Chenega Applied Solutions (CAS), a subsidiary of Chenega Corporation's Military, Intelligence, and Operations Support (MIOS) Strategic Business Unit and the Cyber Bytes Foundation (CBF), a 501(c)3 organization working to establish a sustainable cyber community through education, innovation, and outreach programs, are proud to announce their partnership to develop a showcase software factory at the Quantico Cyber Hub called "Nebula." The goal of Nebula is to become a "birthplace" of software factories throughout the Department of Defense (DoD) and the US Government (USG) by providing a fully operational software factory with best-in-class tools, development platforms, and cloud access for Government programs to come up with successful "Proofs of Concepts (POCs)" and "Minimal Viable Products (MVPs)" free of charge to help fuel-inject the Government's innovation progress.
Since 2017, Chenega Applied Solutions has become a leader in Department of Defense's (DoD's) budding DevSecOps movement by providing fully managed turn-key software factories and innovation environments to notable DoD programs such as Kessel Run, LevelUP, and Project Synergy, through its innovative Modernization as a Service (MaaS) offering. Using their best-in-class MaaS capability, Chenega Applied Solutions will be building the Nebula Software Factory on the second floor of the Cyber Bytes Foundation's Quantico Cyber Hub, which hosted its Grand Opening in September 2021. The Quantico Cyber Hub (QCH) is the largest Cyber Security Center of Excellence in a Virginia HUBZone. It was designed as an agnostic "Cyber Domain Ecosystem," making it the perfect place for CAS to showcase the state-of-the-art software factories produced by MaaS for the DOD around the country. Current projects being worked on at the QCH include the Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the U.S. Marine Corps as well as projects with the Department of Homeland Security, and Department of State.
"Cyber Bytes Foundation is committed to bringing technology and solutions to the Warfighter at the local, State, Federal and DoD levels at the speed of Innovation," says Jonathan Payton of the Cyber Bytes Foundation. "The Nebula Software Factory, in partnership with Chenega Applied Solutions, is the latest representation of that commitment."
The Nebula Software Factory will support QCH's mission of being a place where subject matter experts come together with processes and capabilities to customize solutions to accelerate the implementation of Advanced Cyber Technologies through experimentation, innovation, research, and application. CAS will provide all aspects of a modern software factory, including but not limited to computers, hardware, software, furniture, and collaboration equipment. Additionally, CAS has partnered with Cornerstone to provide free access to their cutting edge TruStacks DevSecOps Orchestration Platform, a deployable "software factory in a box" providing full end-to-end DevSecOps orchestration. Further partners include Insight Public Sector, Red Hat, and GitLab as contributors to the development platform.
"True to its name, we want Nebula to be the birthplace of software factories for the DoD and USG. Despite all the press and attention, the DevSecOps movement within the DoD and USG is currently a disrupter movement and needs more support. Our goal with Nebula is to provide a place where foundling, bootstrap software development groups across the DoD and USG can come, free of charge, to use the best-in-class tools and technologies, create meaningful MVPs, and get the proof of concepts they need to go back to their leadership and say 'This works! Look what we can accomplish if we leverage the right tools and methods! Support this!'" says Mike Masten, Vice President of Operations for CAS and founder of MaaS.
If you work within a government or DOD agency and would like to be considered as a beta user group for the Nebula Software Factory please fill out
the form linked here.
Both CAS and CBF are committed to providing a top-of-the-line cyber ecosystem at the Quantico Cyber Hub and look forward to sharing the process of building the Nebula Software Factory. Follow along on the Chenega Applied Solutions Linkedin and Cyber Bytes Foundation's social channels as well. A grand opening is expected in May 2022.
About Cyber Bytes Foundation
The Cyber Bytes Foundation (CBF) is a 501(c)3 organization working to establish and sustain a unique "Cyber Ecosystem" to produce education, innovation, and outreach programs to enhance developers for the cyber workforce.
Chenega Applied Solutions (CAS) is an Alaska Native-Owned Company operating under Chenega Corporation's Military, Intelligence, and Operations Support (MIOS) Strategic Business Unit. For the better part of a decade, CAS has served federal agencies and the DOD as trusted advisors in IT, Records Management, Language Services, and more. CAS is proud to now support the DOD in its efforts to modernize through Modernization as a Service (MaaS).
// Contact Information
Chenega Applied Solutions Caleb Thompson 202.602.2039 |
Cyber Bytes Foundation Jonathan Payton